E-commerce Sector Inquiry

Blogs e-commerce

Maverick Advocaten in FD, Telegraaf en NRC over gevolgen Coty-arrest voor online marktplaatsen

Martijn van de Hel is door het Financieele Dagblad, De Telegraaf en NRC Handelsblad geïnterviewd over de gevolgen van het arrest van het Hof van Justitie  in de zaak Coty  Read more >

The Geo-blocking Regulation: a new tool in competition law enforcement

European Commission is finalising a new regulation to stimulate unification of the internal digital market  Read more >

E-commerce: op naar een digital single market!

E-commerce en de gevolgen daarvan voor het mededingingsbeleid staan bij veel autoriteiten hoog op de agenda.   Read more >

Mededingingsrecht en big data: grote problemen?

Mededingingsautoriteiten proberen meer grip te krijgen op de vraag hoe om te gaan met big data.  Read more >

What is to be expected of supervision of e-commerce by ACM and the European Commission?

Vertical agreements and e-commerce in particular have recently been the focus of attention in the Netherlands and abroad. The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (“ACM”) published its position on vertical agreements on 20 April 2015. Shortly before that time the European Commission had announced its intention to commence a sector inquiry into e commerce. These developments may have major consequences for producers and distributors. What will the effects be on their (Internet) distribution agreements?  Read more >

Booking.com amends best-price guarantees

The French, Swedish and Italian competition authorities have accepted Booking.com’s undertaking to amend its best-price guarantee. ACM recently also confirmed that such guarantees may restrict competition.

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E-commerce and ‘best price’: the outside scrutiny factor

Unlike numerous other European Member States, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets (Autoriteit Consument & Markt; “ACM’’) has stayed aloof from investigations into vertical restraints. In the past years it has not imposed any fines in either online or offline cases involving resale price maintenance. In other Member States, such as Germany and the United Kingdom, these type of restraints have in fact been scrutinized. The European Commission is now also stepping in.  Read more >

What will the European Commission and the ACM do about e-commerce and e-tailing?

The world is increasingly online – and the same applies to the distribution of products. The European Commission has stated that it attaches great importance to internet distribution (also known as “e‑tailing”). National competition authorities are increasingly focusing on resale price maintenance, usually combined with online distribution. That is not yet the case in the Netherlands.  Read more >

Best price guarantees might be banned on booking sites

According to investigations by various competition authorities, a best price guarantee offered by a booking site can inhibit competition and might be banned for that very reason. Competition is inhibited when the best price guarantee is offered by a booking site with a strong position on the market.  Read more >

A closer look at e-commerce and e-tailing

The world is increasingly online – and the same applies to the distribution of products. The European Commission is also keeping a close eye on the rise of Internet distribution (also known as e-tailing).  Read more >

E-commerce and competition law: how to deal with online distribution and price erosion?

How to deal with competition law and the prevention of online price erosion?  Read more >

Commission takes a step towards a single telecom market; national supervisory authorities criticise plan

Accompanied by a greatly exaggerated speech (“We must act now”), the European Commission recently published its proposal to amend the regulatory framework for the telecom sector.

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